Posts Tagged ‘Women in Trucking’
Remember back to your first day on the job? You had so many questions but you weren’t always sure who to ask. Whether it was learning where to store your lunch, hang your coat or finding your way around the office, you needed someone to steer you in the right direction. Finding someone who will…
Question: What does a Mars engineer, a dating doctor, a satellite radio host, a NASCAR driver and a safety administrator have in common? They were all speakers at the recent Women In Trucking Association’s Accelerate! Conference and Expo. The 350 attendees learned about self-defense and self-esteem, how success depends on relationship building, being a female racer…
The headline reads, “Transport firms hit by driver shortage.” This article could be from almost any country, since drivers are currently in demand around the globe. However, this particular column was from a New Zealand magazine, which quoted one carrier executive as saying, “It’s just really hard to get quality drivers … we can’t even…
Author Laura Vanderkam has written numerous books about the traits of successful people. She claims the “key to making myself happy is NOT to be a perfectionist.” In fact, she has researched the traits of successful women and how much time they devote to their careers. The author was surprised to discover that women who…
The Women In Trucking Association represents all women employed in the trucking industry. We represent the women who design the trucks, build the trucks, buy the trucks, fix the trucks and drive the trucks. If you are one of the five percent of female drivers or one of the fourteen percent of female managers in…