Posts Tagged ‘Robert Scheper’
Our days on this earth are numbered, so make the best of every opportunity. In this article, I’m not expressing my usual financial focus but am writing about something much more than just money. Every day we come across people in need and/or distress. Sometimes the only thing they require is a few words of…
The Driver Inc. issue is a responsibility born from individual drivers making individual decisions. Even though a significant amount of the Ontario driver market has subscribed to the practice, it appears that most of the other provinces do not see much of it. However, since the CTA continues to present it as a “national” issue,…
I was in a discussion about a mechanical issue with a group of individuals a while back. We were heavy into gears, numbers and points of leverage when a younger fella joined the conversation. He was a nice enough guy but came across as a little desperate. At a point in our calculations, the young…
Independent operators during the months of December and January can be a lesson in priorities, both past and present. There is no season that more reflects an operator’s condition than their actions or inactions during the holiday season. Do they work through the season to survive? Do they work through for the opportunity? Do they…
Independent operators during the months of December and January can be a lesson in priorities, both past and present. There is no season that more reflects an operator’s condition than their actions or inactions during the holiday season. Do they work through the season to survive? Do they work through for the opportunity? Do they…
One of the things I am most thankful for in our country is our election cycles. Legally it’s only about 30 days. Can you imagine living in the United States? Some of their elections drone on publicly for years before the vote. It would be about as easy to convince me to accept years of…
Integrity will always be more of ‘what you do’ and less ‘what you say’. However, politics tends to be much more about saying the right thing while doing something… well, different. In kindergarten, we are taught that’s lying. In the political world, it’s called spinning. Political spin is the art of turning one’s perception into…
I have a close friend who is going through a very difficult time. In fact, it’s been a near-constant crisis for him this last year. What further complicated matters happened about a week ago while watching the actions and inactions of some of his friends, which caused further drama, all based on ‘needless’ conflict. Watching…