Posts Tagged ‘Robert Scheper’
I’ve been in the accounting industry working with Independent Operators for well over 25 years. About twice a year I have an Operator ask me if they should put their new SUV into their Corporation. If I’m lucky (which would be BEFORE they purchase the $60k vehicle) I tell them NO. Not only should you…
As the trucking industry deals with lower-than-usual freight rates, carriers are using varying responses. The ones who have weathered bad seasons before knew what to expect. They had disciplined themselves to not overspend when they had the chance. But there were a lot of new carriers that came into the market in the spring of…
I’ve written for Over the Road Magazine now for 15+ years. This is the first time I’ve ever mentioned a carrier by name. The reason I haven’t is, I don’t wish to get openly involved in carrier bashing and/or propping. It’s safe now to comment on YRC (often known as Yellow) as this company, which…
Just because I’m an accountant doesn’t mean I’m immune from stupid financial decisions. I too have taken a few courses from the school of hard knocks. Overcoming personal stupidity is almost always a surgical affair. If correcting stupidity doesn’t hurt, this dumb action usually returns. Maybe not for everyone, but it does for the stubborn……
In the past, I have written and provided videos of my opinion of the “Driver Inc.” issue (now known as Incorporated Drivers). Given a personal choice, I would almost always advise a driver to NOT incorporate… primarily because when it goes through the court system, those who have used it will probably suffer a loss.…
I was interviewing a new client the other day and asked him what was his fuel costs per mile? He did not know. Since he was an owner-operator (running percentage) I asked him how he determined if any freight was a good enough rate to take? He just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders……
In my research over many years, I have found that about 40% of all operators are about 1 year BEHIND in paying their taxes. In some situations, the amount is too high to sustain a household dependent on the income from operating a truck. Too often taxes are used as the ‘excuse’ for why an…
Just because Canada has a single-payer healthcare system doesn’t mean there are no medical expenses. There are several things that are left to the Canadian Taxpayer to pay: dental, optical, medication, chiropractic, and counselling… just to name a few. Though these are not paid by the government, they can be offset by methods in the…