Posts Tagged ‘Robert Scheper’
I have several very wealthy friends that I have interviewed. I always like to find out what drives a person and what attitudes they have about problems and circumstances in their life. I have learned a lot about myself in these interviews. Most wealthy people speak about having learned their craft from a mentor;…
Choosing a trucking company isn’t a once in a lifetime choice for successful independent operators. The choice to work for a carrier is an ongoing decision to work with a repeat customer. It goes much deeper than yes/no or sign/walk away. A successful independent operator continually looks to find a healthy balance between better serving…
I have been approached many times to discuss what was the best investment I ever made? After being asked that several times I finally realized that the best investment was the one I chose NOT to make. In other words, if I had made the investment I would have lost a lot of money. I…
A few months ago my family and I got together and took a course to obtain our PAL and RPAL licence (Possession and Acquisition Licence, Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence). With this licence it allows me to purchase, store and use restricted firearms such as revolvers and/or semi-automatic firearms. It’s not that I’m a collector…
There are four major things an operator may do that can cause success or failure: fuel consumption, maintenance, carrier contract and income taxes. Blame for the failure of an operator is usually not in that order. Both maintenance and income taxes get the highest blame while fuel and carrier contract carries the lowest blame. Just…
My closest friend attended an event that featured a senior analyst of one of the six chartered banks who presented a long term economic forecast for Canada and the USA. There are at least two banks of the six (that I know of) that are in relative agreement about the future of the economy (the…
Deciding to be an operator is more than just a flip of the coin. I don’t want to imply that people actually make that choice by flipping a coin but in some circumstances, it would have been better to let the coin call the shots. I was talking to a couple who came to my…
This is the time of the year when taxes are paid. Most people are still feeling the sting. Not all operators wait till the end of the year to pay. Some make installment payments or remittances during the year (voluntary or mandatory). However, all good operators evaluate their tax liability for their prior year. It’s…