Posts Tagged ‘Robert Scheper’
Becoming an independent operator requires applying yourself to learn a specific set of skills that will provide a respectable return on invested dollars, time and financial liability (risk). Many things have been written and said about fuel consumption, trip planning etc. but there are many other issues that continue to reveal themselves as critical to…
Have you ever gone to a fair or exhibition that has rides and games for young people? Occasionally you come across a game called “Whac-A-Mole”. A typical Whac-A-Mole machine consists of a large, waist-level cabinet with five holes in the top and a large, soft, black mallet. Each hole contains a single plastic mole and…
Mastering any career or profession takes time. Many have suggested 10 or even 20 years of dedicated learning and application. Given that most employees now change employers multiple times per decade, the difficulty comes in accumulating the proper skill sets over a shorter period of time. People aren’t sticking around long enough to master their…
The Barenaked Ladies… (the music band) wrote and sang a song “If I had a million dollars”. It was a huge success (sorry to all those who know the song and now can’t get it out of your head). The words expressed the writers desire to purchase things with… a million dollars. The list of…
As an accountant, I constantly receive the following questions: How do you advance in the workplace? How do you grow in your career? What should employees do to get a raise, promotion or both? Building a career is little different than building a business. Keeping your customers happy is very similar to keeping your boss…
The older I get, the more I appreciate what people DON’T say. I think people talk too much and say too little. Maybe it’s just my perspective but young people can ramble on and on and after an hour of listening I realize, nothing was really said. Worse than that, sometimes they ramble on and…
If you make a controversial statement like “it’s occasionally good to lose money”, it will incite curiosity and sometimes contempt. However, often there is a good point to be made. A while back I quoted the mentor of a friend who once said; “…writing off LESS than 5% on your receivables means you’re not risking…
Every industry has at least one lobby group that represents them. It’s actually a fairly decent system where industry professionals assist elected officials in making policies and laws that govern respective livelihoods. Those who win elections often only have one major talent… getting elected. Too often cabinet positions are assigned based on qualifications that have…