Has anyone ever told you that in order to succeed, you need to lower your voice tone, speak up more often and brag about your accomplishments? If you are a woman working in a male populated environment, these are some of the things you could do to advance your career and earn more money. Wait!…
We are not far off from the annual truck driver safety meetings in Canada. The meetings are generally held the same weekend as the American Thanksgiving. This is because in the United States, they close the doors of so many factories on Wednesday afternoon of Thanksgiving and they remain closed on Thursday (Thanksgiving Day) and…
I was talking the other day to a guy who used to be an independent operator. He sold his truck in 2022 (in the season of high truck values) after opening a small business from his shop at home. He now has six employees and does well in a very unrelated industry to trucking. We…
Many Operators believe their Accountant is the best… they’ve been told their Accountant gets all the latest CRA updates before anyone else and they know everything about lowering taxes. The confidence they show towards their Accountant is very impressive. However, how much of that “confidence” is based on fact and how much on ignorance? (please…
There is a movement within the transportation industry to try to have truck driving recognized as a skilled trade. This has been talked about for many years. In the past, the Ontario government even had a “voluntary apprenticeship program” and some trucking companies did participate in this program. There was also some government money available…
The Over The Road September issue is now online! Please click on the thumbnail to view! For quick access to our September 2024 list of recruiters, please go here.
In the past few years, I have been working with senior leadership of various trucking companies in the truckload sector to help them accomplish their personal and corporate goals. As with all of you, I have had many mentors. These folks we have emulated came to us through either formally defined roles, or people we…
The Over The Road August issue is now online! Please click on the thumbnail to view! For quick access to our August 2024 list of recruiters, please go here.