COVID-19 Open Letter to the Government

Prime Minister Trudeau, Provincial Premiers, Federal MPs, Provincial MPPs.

When are you going to start protecting my truck drivers? When are you going to start treating them like the essential workers they are?

Maybe we aren’t as educated, or as sophisticated, as the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, paramedics, policemen and women, and all the other first responders and medical teams out there, but we are every bit as essential as they are, and maybe even more so.

Without this country’s commercial drivers;
Hospitals don’t get medical supplies.
Pharmacies don’t get medicines.
First responders don’t get fuel for their vehicles.
Stores don’t get groceries for the public.
Banks don’t get cash.

We do a job that even your army cannot do.

This isn’t just something you can throw money at and hope it resolves the issues. My drivers are facing real challenges out there. Real challenges that need your help.

Are you aware that every shipper and receiver out there will not allow my drivers to use their washrooms to stay clean and sanitary?

Are you aware that fast food chains will gladly sell my drivers coffee and donuts, but will not let them use their washrooms?

Are you aware that our government owned fuel supplier still wants us to buy fuel there, but won’t let drivers use their washrooms?

Are you aware that not all highway rest stops are open for drivers to rest, and use the washroom?

Why are my drivers out there day in and day out, risking themselves to additional exposure to a virus that can potentially kill them?

You don’t give drivers, or their carriers, anything to protect themselves, anything to help them do their jobs. All you have done is make their jobs harder to do, and escalated the risk factor. Is that really the way you want to treat essential people?

Why aren’t drivers and their carriers on a priority list for receiving hand sanitizers, Lysol wipes & sprays, latex gloves, N95 masks, and all the other protective equipment they need?

You pay their friends, relatives, and neighbours to stay home, yet with time to spare these same people are out driving around. They get “Sunday” drivers now every day that like to putter along, cut them off, and brake check them at every opportunity. These people just don’t understand that it is the truck drivers that are keeping them alive, and preventing the anarchy that is sure to rise if the grocery store shelves were ever to be emptied.

My apologies for not being very eloquent, but I am begging each and every one of you, please move heaven and earth to protect every driver out there that is doing his or her part to keep this country rolling, and to keep our citizens fed, medicated, protected, and safe.

My drivers, every single one of them, and I expect everyone else’s drivers as well, is in this for the country, but for God’s sake please give them a fighting chance.

Michael A. Ludwig,
Operations Manager,
Ludwig Transport Limited.