Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
An old saying goes, “Sometimes silence speaks louder than words”. If your company doesn’t have an effective, robust, communication strategy, then I would guess that your retention numbers are suffering much from the neglect. Humans are by nature social animals that need to interact, and that transcends beyond family and friends. For a driver, beyond…
Remember back, what seems like way back, to December 2017. It was then the new USA law for ELDs (Electronic Logging Devices) came into to effect. It seems so very long ago. In October and November of 2017, trucking companies rushed to install AOBRDs (Automatic On-Board Recording Devices) into their units. If the unit was…
So far, we have talked about setting your retention and recruiting efforts up for success. We have also discussed the platform and how we are going to conduct ourselves through this effort and the importance of knowing where you are in the marketplace on driver wages. The next step revolves around safety. When discussing retention…
March was Women’s History Month, so I thought this article should be about the history of the Women In Trucking Association through my experience as the founder. I am repeatedly asked the question of why I started the organization so, here is my story. First, I’ll go back many years to ‘set the stage’. I…
We have all heard about last year’s tragic crash in Saskatchewan. 13 lives lost plus so many injured. Many of the injured will suffer bodily pain and suffering for the rest of their lives and let us not forget about their mental health. There are also the unknown victims: the parents, brothers, sisters and those…
As we close the calendar pages on 2018, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at the amazing growth and successes for Women In Trucking (WIT) Association this past year. In January 2018, we started the weekly Women In Trucking Show on SiriusXM’s Road Dog Channel 146. Every Saturday, WIT President Ellen Voie…
In Part One, we talked about the delusion of the industry. We talked about the sales job to the inside the walls personnel and we talked a little about apathy. The next step if you were to follow the process of our retention action plan at TCA would be to establish how we as a…
This year, we’d like to share our hopes for the coming year with eight ways to support the Women In Trucking Association mission to increase the percentage of women employed in the trucking industry. 1 We think more carriers must start monitoring their percentages of female drivers and set targets to increase those levels. They…