Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
On the day that I’m writing this article, there is one, yes – only one, approved ELD supplier in Canada. Perhaps by the time you are reading this magazine, there will be more. The law requiring ELDs has been in place for Federally regulated trucks since June 12, 2021. On that date, there were NO…
Wow, it is starting again. Here in Canada, we are starting to resume “normal” life. For those truck drivers crossing the US border regularly, you must be seeing the fundamental differences between Canada and the United States and how each handled the COVID situation. What does this all mean for trucking? I think that COVID-19…
Here is an interesting question for you, why become a truck driver? If you had to convince a group of young people why it is a good profession, what would you tell them? We are surrounded by so much negative minutia that some of us never take the time to appreciate what we do for…
For fourteen years the Women In Trucking Association has been the only organization whose mission is to encourage and advance the employment of women in trucking. We have always represented ALL women in the industry, or as we like to say, the women who design, build, fix, drive, or own trucks. Since 2007, we have…
Although the Women In Trucking (WIT) Association was formed over fourteen years ago, there are still many people who don’t understand our mission and who we represent. This article will answer the top, most frequently asked questions we receive. First, let me remind you of our mission. The Women In Trucking Association is a non-profit…
I heard a phrase the other day which set my mind to dig deeper into the thought. The individual I was with spoke about his wife’s shopping addiction and he stated that she was a “want person and not a need person.” I did some quick research on the internet on compulsive shoppers and found…
People stay in situations they are comfortable in and they leave the ones they are not comfortable in. When it comes to employment in trucking, is it this easy to break it all down? Under normal situations, I would say that is not the case. In other sectors, the availability to leave one employer and…
March is Women’s History Month and the Women In Trucking Association was formed in March of 2007. Now, fourteen years later, have we advanced our mission to “encourage the employment of women in the trucking industry, address obstacles, and promote accomplishments?” The first question we are usually asked by the media or potential members is…