A Shout Out to the “Lifers”
Usually, the Christmas season moves thoughts from work to home. It is the time of the year when priorities change, or thoughts swing the most. We evaluate not just HOW we are doing but WHY we are doing it. A calendar year end is a time when totals and comparisons are made. How much work have we done and has all that work been worthwhile?
2024 has been a tough economic year. Comparing work over benefit can be difficult for many as they try to justify their time and effort spent. Working in a year of very low margins can be depressing. Many in the industry will not return in the new year; some by choice, some by requirement. It is a time of the year to reflect and evaluate, compare not just economic return but the return in relation to our families. Driving a truck is a sacrifice for our families. This is the time of year (maybe January as well) to judge its impact on our way of life. There will be many Operators who will carry heavy burdens into the family home: “Do I continue to drive, or will I hang up my keys?” It’s a tough choice; a tough time of year for some.
However, most Operators will continue the fight. There is enough margin to make all the bills melt away and there is enough purpose in their work to keep them driving in enjoyment. Parking their truck for a little bit will be enough to rekindle their family life and hopefully, bring about solid reasons WHY they sacrifice the way they do. Many Operators do this year after year after year. It’s not just financial, it’s a lifestyle of transport.
My wife and I drove for several years, separated from our family and understanding our purpose. While we drove for a very clear financial purpose and goals, at the time we were also determined to enjoy the experience as well. The lifestyle of travel is not for everyone, but once you get the bug it’s hard to leave it behind. It’s an industry that sets people apart in a geographical way as well as being culturally unique. The continuous change of scenery is difficult for some to walk away from. That’s why they stay in it.
I remember being labelled ‘the trucking family’ by some in the family who have 9-5 jobs. Honestly, it was a romantic and exotic badge to wear. I liked it, not just that badge but the true adventure part of it as well.
I had a client in my office the other day working through his year end. He is heavily invested in trucking, and not just financially. In his extended family, most are truckers, most are Operators and most do much of their own maintenance. Their collective talk over Christmas is all about injector cups and tire wear; it’s all that you will hear. The kids learn about grease jobs long before algebra. Moving freight and dealing with road issues is a way of life many cannot fathom leaving behind. They are proud Drivers and Operators; masters in their craft and no amount of economic pressure will persuade them otherwise. It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of HOW. They are committed because they love the trucking industry and to fail is not a choice, success is a necessity. They will do nothing but succeed.
Commitment to the industry runs only about 50% in the Driver world. 50% would change their occupation if given the opportunity but the other 50% would never consider any other line of work. It’s their commitment that usually helps them to find a way to thrive in tough times. They love it, they enjoy the business, and they have a natural ability and desire to sacrifice whatever it takes. These ‘Lifers’ are a rare breed.
During my tenure as an accountant to many of these Lifers I have learned a lot about commitment. The ‘minimum’ performance level they operate at is too much for most. They will almost always succeed because they live in high margins; not naturally, but because of their work ethic and their continuous improvement of mindset that provides the margins. They are the future of trucking in Canada; they are the backbone of our economic trade and commerce. Dedication to safe and reliable freight transport from these Lifers keeps our future predictable and profitable.
Personally, I owe all those in the industry that drive over the road a shout of gratitude for their sacrifice. They literally make my life enjoyable and feasible. They make our country a better place and our necessities a possible reality. Truckers make the world go around. We all thank you for your commitment and we honor your contribution to this Christmas season.
If you wish to learn more about the industry, check out our PODCASTS at “Making Your Miles Count” on YouTube or simply pop onto our website and scroll through our history. Enjoy the season.
About the Author:
Robert D. Scheper is a leading Accountant and Consultant exclusively serving the Lease/Owner operator industry in Canada. His first book in the Making Your Miles Count series “taxes, taxes, taxes” was released in 2007. His second book “Choosing a Trucking company” is the most in-depth analysis of the independent operator industry today. He has a Master’s degree (MBA) in financial management and has been serving the industry since he and his wife came off the road in 1993. His dedication, commitment and strong opinions can be read and heard in many articles and seminars.
You can find him at www.makingyourmilescount.com or 1-877-987-9787.

Robert D Scheper operates an accounting and consulting firm in Steinbach, Manitoba. He has a Masters Degree in Business Administration and is the author of the Book “Making Your Miles Count: taxes, taxes, taxes” (now available on CD). You can find him at www.thrconsulting.ca and thrconsulting.blogspot.com or at 1-877-987-9787. You can e-mail him at: robert@thrconsulting.ca.